My artist's Blog 'DIARY OF AN ARTIST.'

I have kept a blog since 2009 and my life has changed a lot since then! This blog describes some of my painting ideas, my exhibitions, and everything connected with my artwork and evolving direction, along with many photos. Art residencies are also written about (2012,2016 posts).
Most recently I've begun writing about my participation in the 8th Beijing International Art Biennale 2019 (113 countries) and will be writing 5 articles based on my own experiences and also reviews of the artwork. There is a video of part of my speech at the Beijing International Art Biennale symposium on my blog - posted on September 9th 2019.
Past posts include essays about my painting residency at the Great Wall of China, for the month of August, 2016 along with photos of my studio and evolving artworks. There are also reviews on the 6th and 7th Beijing International Art Biennale, as a participant, and information about other exhibitions I am taking part in. My Mark Rothko painting residency in Latvia was written about in late 2012 and an album of this is also in the album section of this website.
Interspersed with these reviews are posts about my current work, my approach and changing ideas, and thoughts about my artwork. From my first posts in 2009, my artwork and ideas have changed quite considerably. I called my blog 'Diary of an Artist' because it follows my personal journey.